Cities (2024)
Cities, where many things and information gather, function as places where we can enjoy the joy of consumption and self-expression, day and night. In these places, where it seems as if every choice in life is given to us, we can become anything. Also, thanks to the small but important rule of "not getting too involved with others," we can live very lightly and happily in the chaotic city while maintaining a moderate distance from each other.However, this rule for surviving neatly in the city also cause us to lose our deeper commitment to others. When we see sadness in the smiles of goodbye, when we are too busy to show our heart to others,each of these small triggers can make us suddenly lose our place in the city, as if we have fallen into an air pocket, or we may feel distortion or emptiness inside ourselves.
Boring Days Studio's debut artworks "Cities" depict the people trying to gain or become something in the city, and motifs related to their stories. The loneliness and emptiness that stand out in a place where we can enjoy every kind of pleasure are expressed in colorful, yet somewhat melancholic, acrylic colors. Please enjoy the ambivalent scenery that is unique to the city depicted in my artworks.